Francois is a director at PH Consult who specialises in the estate planning of affluent individuals and families with specific focus on the international aspects pertaining to such planning.

He obtained his BLC (cum laude) and LL.B (cum laude) degrees from the University of Pretoria and was admitted as an attorney, notary and conveyancer of the High Court of South Africa in 2003.

He joined the firm in 2003 and was seconded to a prominent wealth management company where he was a founding member of their fiduciary business. He has been involved in the estate planning of affluent individuals and families for more than 15 years with specific focus on the international aspects pertaining to such planning. 

Francois also obtained a Diploma in Tax Practice from the University of Johannesburg and an LL.M degree from the University of North West. 

He  obtained valuable  experience in the formation and management of international corporate structures while living and working in Mauritius for three years. Francois offers expertise in offshore structuring and international estate planning and  advise clients on the tax and related considerations pertaining to cross border transactions.

International estate planning

Francois Fouché from Phatshoane Henney Consult

Tune in to this RSG podcast where he expertly discusses the right way to manage offshore assets when it comes to your estate planning and will

International estate planning

Francois Fouché from Phatshoane Henney Consult

Tune in to this RSG podcast where he expertly discusses the right way to manage offshore assets when it comes to your estate planning and will