03 July 2019 1717
The average household size in South Africa is 3.58 people per family. Upon seeing this, is your first reaction to picture two parents and a child, or children? If so, you share the view of most South Africans.

I, as a specialist family law practitioner, see the statistic and my mind wanders and I can’t help but think, is this family made up of parents and children? Are the parents perhaps same sex? Are the parents divorced and in a second or third marriage? Is it a family with a single parent at the helm? Are the children adopted or, does the extended family live in the house? Do the parents work, or is mom a homemaker, or is there perhaps a stay-at-home dad,… And the wheel keeps on turning!

That, dear reader is the beauty of what I do and why I love it! The constant change and expansion of family law globally and the many new challenges and opportunities it creates for clients, is why the field of law that I despised as a law student (more about this later)  has now become my passion.
I’m Ilze, it is nice to meet you. I am the head of the Family Law Department at Phatshoane Henney Attorneys. When not helping clients with a wide range of family law related issues, I now happily spend my time with my four month old daughter, husband and dogs – which make up my family! I love a good laugh, spending time with friends, enjoying good wine and food, and playing golf and hockey. 

I look forward to sharing with you a glimpse of my experiences as a family law attorney, my views on legal and social issues - and now and then simply what’s on my mind.

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