Confessions of a property lawyer

03 May 2019,  Corlia van Zyl 1292
Sometimes you need to step outside, clear your head and remind yourself of who you are. Who you want to be. And sometimes you have to venture outside your comfort zone to find yourself.

As for me, I have done this and find myself exactly where I want to be. For those of you who do not know me, here goes... I am Corlia van Zyl, a Senior Associate in our firm's Property Practice Group. 

I have a passion for sectional titles as well as all things related to development of properties, including, but not limited to, the registration of servitudes, consolidations and subdivisions of properties. I am also involved with normal transfers of property, but I get my kick from the complexity of development projects.

I am happily married to a wonderful husband, who enjoys my goofy, dry humor and with whom I can always share a nice glass of wine while talking about all sorts of things until late at night. I also love reading and having fun with friends over the weekends.

I look forward to sharing my knowledge with you on topics related to sectional titles and other property matters.  Keep an eye on my blog for topics that can assist you!

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