Page 8 - Q&A 2019/2020
P. 8

The targets contained in the Management Control element are similiar to
            that of the Generic Codes, but the targets for board participation, middle
            management and junior management increases slightly in year three. There is   BEE
            also the inclusion of one point for the appointment of black Military Veterans as
            board members.
            The Defence Code further aims to address the shortage of technical and
            critical skills in the defence industry through the Skills Development element. The
            overall target for this element is aligned with that of the Generic Codes, however
            the point allocation is adjusted to provide for additional criteria which have
            been added in for the promotion of the objectives of the Defence Code. These
            criteria comprise the inclusion of skills development expenditure on learning
            programmes for black Military Veterans, as well as black designated groups
            participating in learnerships, apprenticeships and/or internships.

            Within the Enterprise and Supplier Development element, the Procurement sub-
            element is identical, save for a slightly lower target on procurement spend with
            QSE  suppliers. For  the  remaining  two  sub-elements,  the  following  provision  is
            introduced: targets for both Supplier Development and Enterprise Development
            are set at 1% of an entity’s net profit after tax (“NPAT”) but with fewer points
            available. A further requirement is introduced, namely contributions equal to
            a  further  1%  of  an  entity’s  NPAT  to  an  Enterprise  and  Supplier  Development
            Fund which is to be established by relevant stakeholders and approved by the
            Department of Defence and Military Veterans and the Department of Trade and
            Industry no later than 12 months after publication of the Defence Code. Until
            such fund is established, the target for Enterprise Development is set at 2% of
            an entity’s NPAT.

            The Socio-Economic Development element is also similar to that of the Generic
            Codes, however the 1% of NPAT target is split equally between general qualifying
            socio-economic development contributions and socio-economic development
            contributions to black Military Veterans.
            The key highlight of the Defence Code is the introduction of an additional
            element. This is the Localisation Element which aims to measure the extent to
            which entities procure defence material from local enterprises that contribute to
            the development of manufacturing and new locally developed technology. This
            element requires entities to procure at least 60% of defence materials produced
            locally, as well as locally produced technologies.

            The inclusion of the Localisation Element provides for 10 additional points on the
            scorecard, however the recognition levels are identical to those in the Generic
            Codes. Therefore, even though a company such as yours would not necessarily
            have implemented initiatives to comply with this element yet, it is still possible to
            reach a Level 1 (>100 points) as there are a total of 115 points available on the
            Defence Code scorecard.

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