Phatshoane Henney Attorneys rated Best Free State Law Firm for a decade running

15 April 2021 1467

Phatshoane Henney Attorneys has just been awarded the PMR.Africa Diamond Arrow Award for the best law firm in the Free State for the 10th year in a row.

This marks a decade since the firm, the largest in the province, has first been rated highest of all Free State law firms in 2012. For every year that followed since, Phatshoane Henney Attorneys has come out strongest following the annual provincial survey of Free State law firms by independent reviewing agency Professional Management Review.Africa (PMR.Africa).

This year the firm has achieved its highest ever score of 4.21 out of a possible 5.00, which once more results in a number 1 ranking for Phatshoane Henney Attorneys in the Free State.

“It is an enormous honour to receive this prestigious award for the 10th consecutive year. We are humbled that the passion and dedication we put in our work to provide the best service, is evidenced by the recognition our clients have given us. We remain as committed as ever to employing and honing top legal experts, growing diversity, driving innovation and staying ahead of the curve by setting the highest standards so as to ensure our clients’ peace of mind. This, we believe, is what ensures that Phatshoane Henney Attorneys consistently remains the legal provider of choice for our clients,” says Jan Berry, Chief Executive Officer.

“We sincerely thank our clients for their valued feedback and steadfast loyalty. You are our top priority and it is thanks to you that we have the privilege of receiving this award. We look forward to doing more valued business with you in future.”


*The award follows an independent provincial survey by PMR.Africa with ratings based on the perceptions of a random sample of  respondents comprising of CEO’s, MD’s, business owners, company directors and managers, as well as government officials based in the Free State Province and who nominate and rate firms against the following specific attributes or criteria:

  • Companies/institutions that have done most to enhance economic growth and development of the Province; 
  • Levels of managerial expertise; 
  • Implementation of corporate governance; 
  • Brand awareness; and 
  • Levels of innovation. 
Tags: Award, PMR