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Panel Discussion: Decoding the 2025 Budget Speech

Date: 26 February 2025 | Location: Online webinar – link will be sent to registrants

Join us for our annual online panel discussion as our expert panellists set to work decoding the 2025 national budget from a legal, tax, accounting, fiduciary, and compliance perspective and discuss the implications it holds for individuals, trusts, and companies. 

Event Details
Date: 26 February 2025
Start Time: 26 February 2025 03:00 PM
End Time: 26 February 2025 04:00 PM

Panel Discussion: Decoding the 2025 Budget Speech

Date: 26 February 2025 | Location: Online webinar – link will be sent to registrants

Join us for our annual online panel discussion as our expert panellists set to work decoding the 2025 national budget from a legal, tax, accounting, fiduciary, and compliance perspective and discuss the implications it holds for individuals, trusts, and companies. 

Event Details
Date: 26 February 2025
Start Time: 26 February 2025 03:00 PM
End Time: 26 February 2025 04:00 PM

Filter: Employer
How you can get fired for airing an opinion on WhatsApp

15 September 2022,  Tata Mokwayi

With the prevalence of social media and platforms for sharing information, is it possible that you can get fired for... a post or group message you made?

Dismissal after retirement age not unfair

30 August 2022,  Sinenhlanhla Khoza

The Labour Relations Act (LRA) states that a dismissal based on age is fair if the employee has reached the... normal or agreed retirement age for persons employed in that capacity. Yet what about cases where the employee was allowed to work beyond their normal or agreed retirement age?

Moonlighting can be bad for your employment ‘health’

15 July 2022,  Sinenhlanhla Khoza

Quite often new entrepreneurs start off exploring other sideline businesses while still in the employ of their current employer. Take... the example of a textile worker that starts to set up her own clothing business on the side by making clothes after hours. Is this allowed or could her employer fire her for this even if it does not affect her work responsibilities?

Can you dismiss an employee for refusing to be vaccinated?

21 March 2022,  Sinenhlanhla Khoza

Many companies are struggling with the question of whether they can make it mandatory for their employees to be vaccinated... against the Covid-19 virus and, if necessary, even take disciplinary steps against an employee who refuses to be vaccinated. So what does our law say about this?

Minister issues Code of Practice to manage Covid-19 in the workplace

16 March 2022,  Tata Mokwayi

On the 15th of March 2022, the Minister of Employment and Labour, Thulas Nxesi, issued a Code of Practice to... manage the exposure to SARS-CoV-2, also known as Covid-19 in the workplace. The code shall take effect on the date of the lapsing of the Declaration of a National State of Disaster declared under GN313 of 15 March 2020, and extended in terms of section 27(2) of the Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No.57 of 2002). 

What if the employee working from home, does not work at home?

08 February 2022

If your business has employees working from home, you may be concerned about whether your employees are in fact working... their required hours, or if they may instead be “stealing time” from your business. Should companies merely accept this as the new world of work due to the pandemic, or can a company act against such employees?

What is the chance of being reinstated following a dismissal?

15 November 2021

I recently dismissed an employee that was causing serious conflict in our workplace. I’ll admit that the dismissal was done... rather hastily, but we had to get rid of this employee. The employee has taken us to the CCMA, and given that there may be issues with the dismissal, the CCMA may not find in our favour. That’s fine and I’m prepared to pay compensation, we just cannot afford to have this employee back at work. What are the chances that the CCMA may order the reinstatement of the employee if he is successful?

Can you be dismissed for not wearing a face mask at work?

12 October 2021

I’m an HR manager and also responsible for health and safety at my workplace. Lately I’ve noticed an increasing number... of employees failing to keep their Covid masks on at work, despite regular warnings. My employer is very worried about this and has asked if we are allowed to dismiss employees that blatantly fail to adhere to our Covid-19 protocol of wearing a face mask. Not wearing a face mask is in my view very serious, but dismissing someone is also a serious step. Can someone be dismissed for not wearing their face mask?

Can Covid-19 vaccinations be made compulsory by employers?

10 August 2021,  Sinenhlanhla Khoza

I work in a large retail store, and rumours are that my employer is going to require all employees to... be vaccinated for Covid-19. I don’t have a problem with anyone getting the vaccine, but I haven’t made up my mind yet as to whether I want to get vaccinated. What are my rights in this regard, and can my employer force me to get vaccinated?

What does the new minimum earnings threshold mean for employers?

16 April 2021,  Tata Mokwayi

I noted recent media reports that indicated that a new minimum earnings threshold for employees has been promulgated. Is this... correct and what does this mean for business owners?

Dismissed for refusing the Covid-19 vaccine - is that fair?

17 March 2021,  Sinenhlanhla Khoza

With the words “I have been vaccinated!” being common among our healthcare workers these days, it is natural to start... wondering whether your job may be at risk for refusing to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Right now there is no law in South Africa that obligates an employee to receive the Covid-19 vaccine.  In fact, there is no legislation which regulates the circumstances under which an employer may force an employee to undergo medical treatment as opposed to medical testing. Medical testing is defined by the Employment Equity Act to mean a test, inquiry or other means designed to establish an employee’s medical condition.Medical testing of an employee is prohibited unless legislation permits or requires the testing or it is justifiable in the light of medical facts, employment conditions, social policy, the fair distribution of employee benefits or the inherent requirements of a job. The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa guarantees our rights to bodily integrity, privacy and security over one’s body. However, it is common knowledge that our constitutional rights are not absolute and may be limited under certain circumstances. An employee may refuse to take the vaccination over concerns of possible adverse reaction to the vaccine, religious and cultural beliefs and the employer may not unfairly discriminate against an employee who refuses to receive the Covid-19 vaccine for whatever personal and/or medical reasons.  Notwithstanding the above, an employee may be compelled to receive the Covid-19 vaccine where failure to do so may create a greater risk to the public health. This may be in instances where the employee’s duties call for heightened levels of contact with the general public. In this regard, employees must be aware that employers are obligated to provide and maintain a safety working environment in so far as it is reasonably practicable to do so.  Consent remains essential in matters involving the personal affairs of the employee, and the employee must have given informed consent before any medical treatment is administered. An employer who therefore dismisses an employee for refusing to receive the Covid-19 vaccination may be under a strenuous duty to prove that the instruction to the employee was a reasonable one and that the failure by the employee to follow such an instruction constituted insubordination which warranted the dismissal. The consequence of this act of insubordination needs to be that it creates a greater risk to the health of other employees and renders it nearly impossible for the employer to maintain a safe working environment as required by law.While there is a lacuna in our employment legislation for the compulsory administration of the Covid-19 vaccine, such treatment may be permitted by the employment conditions, social policy or the inherent requirements of a job. This requires that a thorough balancing of the employer’s obligations in terms of maintaining safety in the working place must be done against the conflicting rights of the employees not to be unfairly discriminated against or victimised for exercising their rights in terms of the applicable legislation.In this, instance if the Employer can prove on the specific facts of this case that dismissal was an appropriate and fair sanction, then the dismissal would be fair. Generally though, discipline ought to be imposed in a corrective and progressive manner which means that dismissal would only be reserved for the gravest of offences.

Effects of Covid-19: Public Servants’ annual salary increments dealt a blow

08 January 2021,  Sinenhlanhla Khoza

I have seen media reports that the State will not be obligated to pay employees their annual salary increments this... year due to the scarce financial resources of the State. Is this correct?   


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