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Panel Discussion: Decoding the 2025 Budget Speech

Date: 26 February 2025 | Location: Online webinar – link will be sent to registrants

Join us for our annual online panel discussion as our expert panellists set to work decoding the 2025 national budget from a legal, tax, accounting, fiduciary, and compliance perspective and discuss the implications it holds for individuals, trusts, and companies. 

Event Details
Date: 26 February 2025
Start Time: 26 February 2025 03:00 PM
End Time: 26 February 2025 04:00 PM

Panel Discussion: Decoding the 2025 Budget Speech

Date: 26 February 2025 | Location: Online webinar – link will be sent to registrants

Join us for our annual online panel discussion as our expert panellists set to work decoding the 2025 national budget from a legal, tax, accounting, fiduciary, and compliance perspective and discuss the implications it holds for individuals, trusts, and companies. 

Event Details
Date: 26 February 2025
Start Time: 26 February 2025 03:00 PM
End Time: 26 February 2025 04:00 PM

Filter: Trust
Capital gains distributions between trusts – who gets taxed?

03 December 2024,  Dr Candice Reynders

Can the conduit principle be used in structures where there are multiple trusts? This issue has recently been heard by... the Constitutional Court in the case of Thistle Trust v Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service (CCT 337/22) [2024] ZACC 19 which has guided how to tax capital gains in multi-tiered trust structures.

Is the trust dead? Long live the trust!

22 April 2024,  André van NiekerkDr Candice Reynders

Many clients, when we suggest using a trust for their estate or corporate structuring, enquire whether a trust is still... a safe option to consider. This question likely stems from the negative publicity trusts have received over the last few years, along with the high taxation imposed by SARS. However, our answer is always the same, if used correctly and for the right purpose, then 'Yes’, a trust is still a good option to be considered. In this article, we explain why we still consider a trust to be relevant.

Steyn Strauss on Ontbytsake: Changes to tax legislation

03 July 2018,  Steyn Strauss

In an interview with economist Dawie Roodt on kykNET’s Ontbytsake, Steyn Strauss, commercial director at Phatshoane Henney Attorneys, discussed the... significant changes to tax legislation that were implemented following recommendations by the Davis Tax Committee.

Is the interest-free loan to a trust dead?

08 March 2017,  Dr Damian Viviers

For estate planning purposes a few years ago I moved some of my assets into a family trust and financed... the disposal to the trust with an interest free loan in my name. I understand that recent tax amendments will now impose unfavourable tax consequences on me in relation to this interest free loan. Is this true?

Can donations tax be payable on a sale of property?

13 October 2015

I recently established a trust. I want to sell one of my properties to the trust by way of an... interest-free loan with the trust owing me the purchase price of the property. However, I was advised that such an interest-free loan may give rise to donations tax. Is this so? Is there any way to avoid this?

Should I be nervous when dealing with a trust?

06 August 2015,  Luhann Prinsloo

I was recently made an offer to sell my business. I was not really planning on selling but the offer... sounded interesting. However, when I received the proposed offer I noticed the purchaser was a trust. I don’t know much about trusts and it made me nervous that a trust was involved as I’ve heard stories about having to be careful when dealing with a trust. Is this true, or am I being overly cautious?

The abuse of trusts in case of divorce: know your rights!

15 June 2015,  Danie le Roux

Trusts are more and more being actively used for estate planning purposes, but the percentage of divorces are also increasing... annually. Protect yourself by being wary of the abuse of discretionary trusts in divorces and by analysing your position and acting as quickly as possible - before it is too late....

Removal of a trustee who is unwilling to resign

02 June 2014

A trust is a structure into which cash or assets (“trust property”) are transferred by the founder of the trust... and which trust property is administered by the trustees on behalf of one or more beneficiaries in accordance with the trust deed. As administrators of the trust property, it is extremely important that the trustees work together and act in the best interest of the trust beneficiaries and execute their duties as required by the Trust Property Control Act (”Act”) and the Master of the High Court (“the Master”). The question which arises is what options are available if a trustee does not execute his mandate in the best interest of the trust beneficiaries but is unwilling to resign as a trustee?

Nuwe strandhuis: In my naam of die familie trust?

22 November 2013

Die vakansietyd is om die draai en Adriaan wil graag ‘n strandhuis koop. Hy wil hoofsaaklik die vakansiewoning as ‘n... langtermynbelegging hou en dit aan ander vakansiegangers uitverhuur ten einde ‘n ekstra inkomste te verdien. Hy het dit ook goedgedink om die strandhuis by sy dood aan sy seun te bemaak terwyl sy vrou die huurinkomste daarop verdien. Adriaan is egter een van vele kopers wat die volgende vraag op sy lippe het:  In welke entiteit moet ek my vakansiewoning koop?

Ways to reduce your Trust’s Loan Account

25 July 2013

There are a number of benefits to placing assets in a trust for estate planning purposes. These advantages include, among... others potential estate duty benefits as well the future protection of assets. These assets are often transferred into a trust with the parallel creation of a loan account in favour of the transferor. These loan accounts can be reduced during the transferor’s lifetime in a number of ways.

The powers of trustees in the conclusion of agreements with third parties

25 July 2013,  Lucian Companie

Your property is in the market and you are approached by a prospective purchaser wishing to purchase your property on... behalf of a trust of which he represents himself to be a trustee. The purchaser has the financing in place and it appears that all is a ‘go’ for the conclusion of the sale. However, to what extent must you ensure that the trustee is in fact authorised to conclude the sale and cannot afterwards claim a lack of authority in order to withdraw from the transaction.

Using a Trust as an estate planning tool

25 July 2013

Death eventually knocks on everyone’s door. This certainty necessitates proper estate planning to ensure that when the time comes you... are not anxious as to whether sufficient provision has been made for your loved ones after you are gone. In this article, we briefly explore some of the main benefits as well as concerns in using a trust as a specific tool for your estate planning purposes. Estate planning is aimed at protecting and preserving one’s assets not only during one’s lifetime, but also thereafter. In order to obtain some of the benefits that are associated with using a trust as an estate planning tool, it is important that the trust is correctly set up and complies with the essential requirements of the Trust Property Control Act.


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